Cython: Class and Extension Type

Comparing Python Classes and Extension Types

  • In Python everything is an object. An Object has identity, value, and type.

    • Identity: distinguishes it from all others and is provided by the id built-in function

    • Value: data associated with it, accessible via dot notation. Python places an object’s data inside an internal instance dictionary named __dict__.

    • Type: specifies the behaviors that an object of that type exhibits. These behaviors are accessible via special functions, called methods.

  • A type is responsible for creating and destroying its objects, initializing them, and up‐ dating their values when methods are called on the object. Python allows us to create new types, in Python code, with the class statement.

  • We can also create our own types at the C level directly using the Python/C API; these
    are known as extension types. The extension type has fast C-level access to the type’s methods and the instance’s data. Cython makes creating and using extension types as straightforward as working with pure-Python classes. Extension types are created in Cython with the cdef class statement.

Extension Types in Cython

cdef class Particle:
    """Simple Particle extension type."""
    cdef double mass, position, velocity
    def __init__(self, m, p, v):
        self.mass = m
        self.position = p
        self.velocity = v
    def get_momentum(self):
        return self.mass * self.velocity
  • The generated code uses the _Python/C API _heavily and makes the same calls that the interpreter would if this class were defined in pure Python.
  • The cdef type declarations in the class body are not class-level attributes. They are C-level instance attributes; this style of attribute declaration is similar to languages like C++ and Java. All instance attributes must be declared with cdefat the class level in this way for extension types.
  • For an object of a regular Python class, its underlying dictionary is modifiable and open to new key/value pairs, Extension type attributes on the other hand are private by default, and are accessible by the methods of the class.
  • Cython will translate any accesses like self.massorself.velocity into low-level accesses to C-struct fields. This bypasses the general lookup process for pure- Python classes.

Type Attributes and Access Control

cdef class Particle:
    """Simple Particle extension type."""
    cdef public double mass
    cdef readonly double position
    cdef double velocity
  • When calling the get_momentum method, Cython still uses fast C-level direct access, and extension type methods essentially ignore thereadonly and public declarations. These exist only to allow and control access from Python.

C-Level Initialization and Finalization

cdef class Matrix:
        unsigned int nrows, ncols
        double *_matrix
    def __cinit__(self, nr, nc):
        self.nrows = nr
        self.ncols = nc
        self._matrix = <double*>malloc(nr * nc * sizeof(double))
        if self._matrix == NULL:
            raise MemoryError()
    def __dealloc__(self):
        if self._matrix != NULL:
  • Cython adds a special method named __cinit__ whose responsibility is to perform C- level allocation and initialization.

  • Cython guarantees that__cinit__is called exactly once and that it is called before__init__, __new__, or alternative Python-level constructors. Cython also supports C-level finalization through the
    __dealloc__ special method.

cdef and cpdef Methods

cdef class Particle:
    """Simple Particle extension type."""
    cdef double mass, position, velocity
    # ...
    def add_momentums(self)      
    cpdef add_momentums_typed (self):
    cdef add_momentums_typed_c (self):

def add_momentums(particles):
    """Returns the sum of the particle momentums."""
    total_mom = 0.0
    for particle in particles:
        total_mom += particle.get_momentum()
    return total_mom

cpdef add_momentums_typed(list particles):
    """Returns the sum of the particle momentums."""
        double total_mom = 0.0
        Particle particle
    for particle in particles:
        total_mom += particle.get_momentum()
    return total_mom
cdef add_momentums_typed_c(list particles):
    """Returns the sum of the particle momentums."""
        double total_mom = 0.0
        Particle particle
    for particle in particles:
        total_mom += particle.get_momentum_c()
    return total_mom
  • The basic understanding about def, cdef, and cpdef functions also apply to extension type methods.
  • The last version has the best performance: approximately 4.6 microseconds, another 40 percent boost over the add_momentums_typed version. The downside is that get_momentum_c is not callable from Python code, only Cython.
  • Because acdef method is not accessible or overrideable from Python, it does not have to cross the language boundary, so it has less call overhead than a cpdefequivalent. This is a relevant concern only for small functions where call overhead is non-negligible.

Inheritance and Subclassing

cdef class CParticle(Particle):
    cdef double momentum
    def __init__(self, m, p, v):
        super(CParticle, self).__init__(m, p, v)
        self.momentum = self.mass * self.velocity
    cpdef double get_momentum(self):
        return self.momentum

class PyParticle(Particle):
    def __init__(self, m, p, v):
        super(PyParticle, self).__init__(m, p, v)
    def get_momentum(self):
        return super(PyParticle, self).get_momentum()
  • An extension type can subclass a single base type, and that base type must itself be a type implemented in C—either a built-in type or another extension type.
  • We can also subclass Particle in pure Python as well. The PyParticle class cannot access any private C-level attributes or cdef methods. It can override def and cpdef methods defined on Particle.

Casting and Subclasses

cdef Particle static_p = p
print static_p.get_momentum()
print static_p.velocity

print (<Particle?>p).get_momentum()
print (<Particle?>p).velocity
  • When working with a dynamically typed object, Cython cannot access any C-level data or methods on it. All attribute lookup must be done via the Python/C API, which is slow. If we know the dynamic variable is or may possibly be an instance of a built-in type or an extension type, then it is worth casting to the static type. Further, Cython can also access Python-level attributes and cpdef methods directly without going through the Python/C API.
  • Two ways to perform this casting: either by creating a statically typed variable of the desired type and assigning the dynamic variable to it, or by using Cython’s casting operator.
  • The casting method removes the need to create a temporary variable. The cast is enclosed in parentheses due to Cython’s precedence rules. Note checked cast calls into the Python/C API will incurs runtime overhead.

Extension Type Objects and None

def dispatch(Particle p not None):
    print p.get_momentum()
    print p.velocity

# cython: nonecheck=True
$ cython --directive nonecheck=True source.pyx
  • Cython treats None specially—even though it is not an instance of Particle, Cython allows it to be passed in as if it were. This is analogous to the NULL pointer in C. However, None object essentially has no C interface, so trying to call a method on it or access an attribute is not valid. To make these operations safe, we could check if it is None first.
  • Cython also provides a nonecheck compiler directive.

Extension Type Properties in Cython

class Particle(object):
    # ...
    def _get_momentum(self):
        return self.mass * self.velocity
    momentum = property(_get_momentum)

cdef class Particle:
    """Simple Particle extension type."""
    cdef double mass, position, velocity
    # ...
    property momentum:
        """The momentum Particle property."""
        def __get__(self):
            """momentum's getter"""
            return self.mass * self.velocity
        def __set__(self, m):
            """momentum's setter"""
            self.velocity = m / self.mass
  • Pythonproperties are handy and very powerful, allowing precise control over attribute access and on-the-fly computation. Python programmer would berate using a getter method like previous; the right way to do it is to either expose momentum directly or make a property instead.
  • Cython has different syntax for extension type properties, but it achieves the same end

Special Methods Are Even More Special

cdef class E:
    """Extension type that supports addition."""
    cdef int data
        def __init__(self, d): = d
    def __add__(x, y):
        # Regular __add__ behavior
        if isinstance(x, E):
            if isinstance(y, int):
                return (<E>x).data + y
        # __radd__ behavior
        elif isinstance(y, E):
            if isinstance(x, int):
                return (<E>y).data + x
            return NotImplemented

from cpython.object cimport Py_LT, Py_LE, Py_EQ, Py_GE, Py_GT, Py_NE
cdef class R:
    """Extension type that supports rich comparisons."""
    cdef double data
    def __init__(self, d): = d
    def __richcmp__(x, y, int op):
            R r
            double data
        # Make r always refer to the R instance.
        r, y = (x, y) if isinstance(x, R) else (y, x)
        data =
        if op == Py_LT:
            return data < y
        elif op == Py_LE:
            return data <= y
        elif op == Py_EQ:
            return data == y
        elif op == Py_NE:
            return data != y
        elif op == Py_GT:
            return data > y
        elif op == Py_GE:
            return data >= y
           assert False

 cdef class I:
        list data
        int i
    def __init__(self): = range(100)
        self.i = 0
    def __iter__(self):
        return self
    def __next__(self):
        if self.i >= len(
            raise StopIteration()
        ret =[self.i]
        self.i += 1
        return ret
  • When providing support for operator overloading with a Cython extension type, we have to define a special method; that is, a method of a specific name with leading and trailing double underscores.
  • To support the in-place + operator for a pure-Python class C, we define an __add__(self, other) special method. The operation c + d is transformed intoC.__add__(c, d) when c is an instance of the C class. If C does not know how to add itself to the other argument, then it returns NotImplemented. In this case, the Python interpreter then calls type(d).__radd__(d, c)to give d’s class a chance to add itself to a C instance.
  • For extension types, the situation is different. Extension types do not support __radd__; instead, they (effectively) overload __add__to do the job of both the regular__add__and __radd__ in one special method.
  • Cython extension types do not support the individual comparison special methods like__eq__, __lt__, and __le__. Instead, Cython provides a single (some would say cryptic) method,__richcmp__(x, y, op).
  • To make an extension type iterable, we define__iter__ on it, just as in regular Python. To make an extension type an iterator, we define a __next__ special method on it, as we would in Python 3. This is different from a pure-Python object, where we would define a next method instead. Cython will expose __next__ as next to Python.

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